Spark Real Estate
"We ignite your business"
Focus on your real estate
We think and work as the owner: a dedicated team operates only your building

In the Dutch real estate market truly dedicated fund and asset management is scarce. Working with SPARK means that there is never a conflict-of-interest. We are committed and focus on one building at a time. Your building.

Maximum result
We made it our mission to fill this gap and focus on a maximum return. We improve the user experience, we create offices where people are excited to come to work and meet.

Experience & Knowledge
We offer you our many years of experience in a rapidly changing real estate market. With proven successes and knowledge of the best investment opportunities SPARK is your real estate partner.
We deliver

Investment opportunities
Our knowledge of the dutch real estate market creates opportunities for our clients.

Partner in Acquiring
Spark assists in investing in and the acquiring off the most profitable real estate objects.

Branding & Consultancy
We supply our partners with the do's and dont's in the real estate business. Included is f.i. office branding.

Community Management
Offices are changing more and more into communities, we know how to manage them.